Caltrans SR-91 MultiAsset

Project Description

ADVANTEC is a member of the TranSystems team for the SR-91 Multi-Asset Projects as part of the Caltrans D12 On-Call Contract. ADVANTEC provided electrical and ITS engineering for EA0R312 design support in the preparation of the Caltrans Project Approval & Environmental Document (PA&ED) phase during Task Order No. 1, and the Plans, Specifications & Estimates (PS&E) phase under Task Order No. 2. In addition to roadway improvements (e.g., pavement rehabilitation, drainage, overhead sign structures), the project also proposes to improve various TMS elements along the corridor. Details of the work phases completed include both the preliminary design and cost estimates, and the preparation of final design PS&E for the electrical/TMS elements that are primarily comprised of CCTV camera upgrades, switch upgrades at the controller cabinets, fiber optic communication conduit improvements, and video detection system. The task orders are being successfully delivered to Caltrans District 12 on an accelerated schedule in order to coincide with OCTA projects that were already in the final design phase so the construction of the projects occurs concurrently.


Purple Line (D Line) Subway Extension Project, Since 2010


Mission Village Revised