Traffic Signals Improvements (HSIP Cycle 8) Project

The project consists of providing traffic engineering, civil engineering, and environmental services to secure environmental documentation approvals; Caltrans encroachment permits; and preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) for 14 signalized locations including construction support for the City’s Traffic Signal Improvements (HSIP Cycle 8) project. The purpose of this project is to improve safety and visibility of the traffic signals by upgrading traffic signal equipment and signing/striping to the latest standards, protected left turn phasing, ADA compliant access ramps, and install advanced dilemma zone detection for high speed approaches at the following 14 intersections.  The proposed project improvements include, but not limited to: removing existing five-section protected/permissive signal heads, mast arms, and signal poles; installing signal heads on new mast arm and traffic signal pole; implementing advanced dilemma zone protection; installing ADA compliant pedestrian access ramps; providing new striping and signing; and establishing connections of the traffic signals to the Traffic Management Center (TMC) at City Hall. This project also requires the preparation of environmental documentation to meet the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements and clearances.  In addition, this project includes a left-turn phasing and level of service (LOS) analysis to determine the left-turn phasing, as well as signal timing upgrades that are associated with the implementation for advanced dilemma zone detection system.


Signing and Striping Project for the City’s 5 Year Road Rehabilitation Corridor Project


Serfas Club Drive Street Improvement Project