On-Call Traffic Engineering Services- Claremont
The City of Claremont is working towards improving the safety of roadways and improving multimodal transportation for its citizens and this is supplemented by reviewing the concerns of its citizens.
ADVANTEC is providing or has provided the following traffic engineering services:
Citywide Speed Survey – Prepared a citywide speed survey, in order to review, establish, and re-certify posted speed limits on 54 roadway segments throughout the City.
Citywide Traffic Volume Study – Collected average daily traffic (ADT) data at 84 locations, prepare a traffic flow map and volume chart summarizing roadway types, ADT volume count locations.
Citywide Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program and Policy – Developed a program to provide guidance, procedures, standard practice, and policies for response to common citizen requests. Includes a “toolbox” that can be used to address neighborhood traffic-related concerns such as: speeding vehicles, high traffic volumes, cut-through traffic, or safety concerns.
Speeding Enforcement Analysis – Prepared letters in response to citizens request to address speeding at eight (8) intersections and roadway segments as requested by City staff. Letters include existing conditions, existing ADT, speed, and collision data collected, analysis of speed data and collisions, and recommendations based on results.
All-way stop Warrant Analysis – Prepared All-Way Stop Warrant Studies at three (3) intersections using the latest California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Based on our evaluation, recommendations are provided.
Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis – Prepared All-Way Stop Warrant Studies at two (2) intersections using the latest California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). Based on our evaluation, recommendations are provided.
Corridor Studies – Prepared corridor studies for nine (9) roadway segments. The primary purpose of these studies is to address issues and concerns from the residents to enhance safety related to existing roadway features. Studies included evaluating vertical and horizontal roadway curvature, line-of-sight, level-of-service, queuing, signing, striping, bicycle safety, speeding, traffic calming, safety enhancements. Recommendations for each roadway segment are provided as concept plans based on the results of the analysis.
Intersection Studies – Prepared intersection studies at eight (8) locations to address issues and concerns from the residents to enhance safety related to existing roadway features. Studies included evaluating pedestrian crossings, sight distance, queuing and clear zone, speeding, traffic calming, signing, striping, warrants, and operations. Recommendations for each location are provided as conceptual plans based on the results of the analysis.
Line-of-Sight studies – Prepared line of sight analysis evaluating and documenting existing roadway, signage, and striping conditions, and evaluating the line of sight for vehicles at four (4) locations. Recommendations based on the analysis results are provided to improve the line of sight for vehicles approaching and exiting the intersection or driveway.
Traffic Signal Design (PS&E) – Prepared plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) related to the project improvements for multiple intersections Citywide. Improvements included left turn phasing, controller upgrades, pedestrian heads, vehicle heads, APS push buttons, and Video Detection Systems Signal Timing plans were also prepared for each project.
Signing and Striping – Prepared signing and striping plans for striping improvements.
ADA Ramp Improvements – Prepared ADA ramp improvements for the installation of a new traffic signal and crosswalks. Improvements also included raised median improvements.
Construction Support – Provided construction support services to the City during construction of a new traffic signal. Services included show drawing review, responses to Request for Information (RFI), answered any questions during construction and coordination with the Construction Manager and Contractor.
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Reviews – Reviewed Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) of new developments submitted to the City. Review consisted of QC of figures, tables, concept plans, and calculations. Comments were submitted back to the City to provide to the prepared of the report.
Signal Timing Updates – Provided updated signal timing sheets for signalized intersection due to traffic controller upgrades. Signal timing plans were provided for AM, Midday, and PM peak hours