On-Call Traffic Engineering Services - Riverside County

ADVANTEC was selected by the Riverside County Transportation Department (RCTD) to provide on-call traffic engineering services to augment its in-house resources with our strong traffic engineering expertise and capabilities to support the department’s project delivery as part of their 5-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  Besides augmenting staff on-site at RCTD offices for their municipal engineering needs, ADVANTEC’s home office engineering team also provides the necessary design support for their project delivery process.   We have completed several task orders, including:

  • Traffic Signal Timing Update – Updated and prepared new signal timing sheets for 148 county signal locations based on CA-MUTCD, including calculation of yellow times, pedestrian crossing distances and clearance timing, bicycle crossing distance and minimum green, and values for Red-Revert and All-Red Start times.

  • Traffic Signal Synchronization - Developed synchronization timing plans for multiple county roadway segments, such as Murrieta Hot Springs Road, Van Buren Blvd, Cajalco Road, Monterey/Varner/I-10 interchange, Stetson Avenue, Cook Street/Varner/I-10 interchange including Caltrans freeway ramp signals. Tasks performed included: collection of ADT counts and turning movement counts, development of optimized timing plans for 3 peak periods (AM, Midday and PM), preparation of timing sheets, assisting county staff in implementation of new timing, and fine-tuning of implemented synchronization plans. ADVANTEC also provided training on signal synchronization process for county staff.

  • Traffic Signal Communication Master Plan - Prepared a technologies assessment report to provide countywide access to remote traffic signal locations, and design of countywide wireless communication network that enable county staff to monitor traffic signal operations and maintenance, and in-cabinet equipment monitoring (Battery Backup, conflict monitor, etc.).

  • Grant Application Support – Prepared and submitted multiple grant applications for RCTD to secure transportation improvement funds for the Department’s TIP.

  • Systemic Safety Analysis Report UpdatePrepared updated report with current collision data, identified high-collision intersections and roadway segments, and developed countermeasures for safety projects.

  • Traffic Signals and Intersection Improvements PS&E – Prepared traffic signal, street improvement, and signing and striping plans, including final plans, specifications, and estimates, and provided support for bidding and construction. Recent locations include Highway 74 & Mountain Avenue, Pourroy Road & Pourroy Road, and Grand Avenue & Sangston Drive.

  • Project Management Staff Augmentation –County requested ADVANTEC to expand our service to provide augmenting staff to their Project Development Division to assist them in managing their on-going Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).  The County currently has over 120 projects programmed for the next fiscal year with a capital budget of close to $480 million.  These projects spread over 7,300 square miles within the County and cover nearly 2,300 miles of road system with over 500 traffic signals.  Our staff are involved in project prioritization, preliminary project planning, coordinate for environmental clearances, conceptual project design, to coordinate and oversee consultants for final design and procurement for construction. County’s TIP projects include new roadway construction, major arteral widening, traffic signal upgrade, pavement resurfacing, addition of bike lanes, sidewalk, and ADA ramps improvements to meet current standards.         

  • Traffic Signal Controller/Timing Sheets Update – Converted and prepared  signal timing sheets for new 2070 ATC controllers at 25 traffic signals countywide.

  • Transparity Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) Implementation – ADVANTEC staff is assisting in implementation of Transparity ATMS software for the western part of the county. Our staff has conducted field reviews and assisted County staff, including IT staff, in the configuration of traffic signal and communications equipment. Our team will provide a countywide System Architecture showing how the County owned and maintained signalized communications and ITS elements are connected to the County’s Traffic Management System. As part of the Coachella Valley Smart Region Program,  the County’s signalized intersections and ITS elements were designed by ADVANTEC and the system is fully operational.i


Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Master Plan - Industry


CHSRA High Speed Rail Project