ADVANTEC has a 25-year history of successful projects with strong partnerships which continue to develop as the Southern California region continues to innovate and improve.
Featured Projects
I-105 Express Lanes Segments 1, 2 and 3
This project consists of the preparation of Plan, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for the addition of two high occupancy toll (HOT) Express Lanes on I-105 on an accelerated schedule between I-405 and Central (Segment 1), and also Segments 2 to 3. The project includes approximately 15 miles of widening within the existing right-of-way, involving bridge widenings, new retaining and sound walls, and new toll collection infrastructure, including tie-in to the existing I-110 Express Lanes. ADVANTEC responsibilities included the PS&E of all electrical, ITS and tolling infrastructure - highway lighting, Caltrans TMS (ramp metering, fiber optic backbone, traffic signals, CCTV, CMS, traffic monitoring stations), and tolling (fiber optic backbone, CCTV, detection stations, toll zone gantries, VMS). Project also included coordination and implementation of ITS elements as part of Metro’s Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Project associated with the new Clipper’s arena.
SR-60/7th Ave Interchange Improvements
ADVANTEC is the prime consultant to LA METRO on this “Early Action Project" for Caltrans District 7. ADVANTEC is responsible for the project from the Preliminary Assessment/Environmental Document (PA/ED) phase; including NEPA and CEQA support (technical studies) and approval, through the Plans, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) phase and finally Construction Support and close out.